Bakemonogatari and the Monogatari series, in general, are very popular among anime fans and it seems to be a long-running anime for fans. So what makes this anime so interesting for viewers to watch? Bakemonogatari follows the story of a young college student who has survived a vampire attack. His after-encounters are what make up a majority of the episodes. In this post, we go over the pros and cons of Bakemonogatari, answering the question: is Bakemonogatari worth watching?

Główna narracja Bakemonogatari

To understand is Bakemonogatari worth watching? we need to explore the main narrative. The story of Bakemonogatari is very complicated and for you to understand it you need to take a moment to see what the word “Bakemonogatari” actually means. “Bake” in Japanese means “Ghost” in English and “Monogatari” means “Story” in English, so “Bakemonogatari” means “Ghost Story”.

Ale to nie wszystko. Przedstawia głównego bohatera Araragi who had previously survived a vampire attack. However, his story just consists of him going around parts of Japan helping girls with their apparition/demon problems. It starts when he witnesses a girl with absolutely or hardly any weight.

Yes, that’s right, she only weighs less than a few kg I think. She falls from the top of the hallway and symbolically falls to him where he then proceeds to catch her, this is where her secret is revealed. There is a lot of symbolism in Bakemonogatari and it becomes a lot more prevalent in the later episodes.

Musi pomóc im obojgu, ale w początkowym odcinku Senjygouhara grozi Araragi z brzytwą i zszywaczem. Wyzywa go za coś, o co nie mogłem sobie przypomnieć, dowiecie się, kiedy to obejrzycie. Myślę, że jasno daje do zrozumienia, że ​​skrzywdzi go fizycznie, jeśli nie pomoże jej w rozwiązaniu problemu.

Ale historia toczy się w bardzo dziwny, ale płynny sposób. Robi to poprzez muzykę, a to odgrywa istotną rolę w łączeniu scen ze sobą. Można powiedzieć, że każda scena przeskakuje z jednej sceny do drugiej, ale myślę, że muzyka zapobiega temu ogólnemu wyglądowi, co jest świetne.

I must stress that Bakemonogatari just like a lot of Japanese series like this is graphic and violent, they also openly sexualise children, that’s something you’re going to have to overlook unfortunately because it’s prevalent in a lot of anime like this. As well as this girl he runs into another girl who has a monkey arm attached to her left arm. Sometimes, without her control, the monkey arm does things that she cannot help.

Nadszedł czas, aby Araragi Kun jej pomógł, a on również korzysta z pomocy Senjyogouhara mu pomóc. Okazało się również, że ma do niego pociąg seksualny, ale tak naprawdę nic z tym nie robi.

There is a lot of symbolism in Bakemonogatari and this is sometimes or most of the time significant, and they’re relevant to the story by the images that are portrayed in them. They have human actors in them and this makes them a lot more memorable.

We’re going to be getting into the reasons why you should watch and why you shouldn’t watch Bakemonogatari in a moment but please take a moment to have a look at the main character.

Araragi napotyka klątwę ślimaka, która pozwala mu zobaczyć zjawę małej dziewczynki. Klątwa ślimaka mówi się, że jest bardzo niebezpieczny i może rzucić klątwę na każdego człowieka, chociaż nie jesteśmy pewni, czy Araragi is Human, seeing as he was bitten by a vampire.

The main characters in Bakemonogatari

Koyomi Araragi is the main protagonist of the series and he’s the main character for the whole series. We see everything from his POV and most of the problems are solved using him. He is relatable to a typical 17 – 19-year-old Japanese boy.

I mainly found myself agreeing with a lot of what he tries to and does accomplish. He has a logical nature in the way he goes about things and is the most logical and rational of the characters we come across in Bakemonogatari and the Monogatari series in general.

czy warto oglądać Bakemonogatari
© Studio Shaft (Bakemonogatari)

Next, we have Senjygouhara, who is supposed to be Araragi’s girlfriend. She is supposed to be his girlfriend but in my opinion, acted like the antagonist the whole way through the series. She was very strange in my opinion and the dialogue that her character uses is very weird.

In my opinion, she doesn’t talk about how adults let alone teenagers talk.

If I came across her in the real world and she started to talk to me in that way I’d have her sectioned but maybe that’s just me.

She is stuck up unlikable and a poor choice of character in my opinion for Araragi. I still don’t understand why this guy didn’t just drop her at the start, because I won’t stick around for long.

Znaki podrzędne

To understand the question of whether is Bakemonogatari worth watching? we need to look at the sub-characters, who played a vital role in Anime.

The reason I’m putting many of these characters here and not writing separate lines for them is that they all only get about an episode or more on the series so they are not that significant in that respect. I know some like Senjygouhara get more but for my sake, I’m not going to be writing about her separately.

It’s Araragi who gets the most screen time, and this is because he is the one who is solving the problems and the girls are coming to him when they find out that he helps Senjygouhara. Most of them were pretty memorable and they worked well as sub-characters and as main characters when the episode was centred only on them.

I guess you could say that the characters from Bakemonogatari were memorable and this on one hand is completely true. However, I would say that this is by default, the design team in charge of the production of Bakemonogatari did a fantastic job and you can see this just in the way each episode is portrayed. It’s SONY levels of production which makes sense since they’re the ones who have the license anyway (SONY MUZYKA Japonia).

nie lubiłem Senjygouhara, i nie podobało mi się Oshino or Hanekawa albo wszyscy czuli się dla mnie jak antagoniści, ale to tak, jakby pisarz chciał, żebyśmy myśleli, że wszyscy są przeciwko Araragiemu, ponieważ to jest pewne.

lubiłem to Araragi sam miał objawienie w postaci tej małej dziewczynki, Hachikuji, ale nie podobało mi się, że była scena, w której została pobita w twarz. Wiem, że to była zjawa, a nie rzeczywistość, ale fakt, że to pokazali, nie pasował mi

Więcej o narracji

Araragi assists Senjygouhara with her weight problem by enlisting the help of a man called Mem Oshino. Oshino agrees to assist her if she complies with his strange requests and submits to a ritual that will stop the curse or apparition from taking place in the first place, getting rid of her weight problem right then and there.

Scena, która następuje, była dla mnie bardzo interesująca, kiedy pierwszy raz ją obejrzałem, a to dlatego, że było wiele odniesień poprzez wykorzystanie zdjęć Japończyków.

For some reason as well Senjygouhara thinks Araragi is her boyfriend and she persistently pushes this on him and kind of walks all over him in some episodes, physically assaulting him, mocking him and even leaving him for dead once. This is what I don’t like about Senjygouhara’s character and this made her unbearable for me to watch when I was viewing Bakemonogatari.

The rest of the series is Araragi going around in this town their in and assisting other girls (and they all are girls) with the same kind of apparition problems. This is what most of the story is about and it becomes an important part of the story as the series progresses.

Symbolizm w Bakemonogatari

Bakemonogatari has a lot of symbolism very significant and it plays a large part in producing the effect that some scenes have on the viewer. Music, lighting, and dialogue have a big effect as well, but the symbolism in Bakemonogatari and the Monogatari series in general I imagine is very prevalent.

Zwykle jest używany do przekazania wpływu zdania lub uzasadnienia czynu lub zdarzenia. Robi to z retrospekcjami, które są następnie udźwiękowione dla lepszego efektu.

Sometimes we also see objects that played a part in the story of one scene making an appearance such as the stapler and the razor that Senjygouhara uses to threaten Araragi and other things that were relevant to the first ritual.

Symbolika zaczyna się w pobliżu sceny rytualnej, która ma miejsce na początku serii, w pobliżu odcinków przedstawiających problemy z objawieniami Senjygouhary.

Korzystanie z urządzeń Cutaway

Powyżej widać, że seria wykorzystuje kilka rodzajów stylów animacji, aby zmieniać się ze sceny na scenę. Oprócz używania muzyki do łączenia różnych scen, używają również tych przerywników, które są równie skuteczne.

Użycie 3 kolorów do połączenia każdego obrazu to świetny sposób na połączenie każdego ujęcia i tutaj jest to zrobione doskonale. Jest to również dobry przykład łączenia scen w ogóle.

Powody, dla których warto obejrzeć Bakemonogatari

Ok, so now I have gone over the main elements of the show I’m going to list some reasons for and against Bakemonogatari so you can have the best chance of making an informed decision.

Oryginalny styl animacji

Program ma bardzo odmienny i oryginalny styl animacji, co sprawia, że ​​oglądanie go jest bardzo przyjemne. Seria ma wiele różnych stylów artystycznych, których regularnie używa w całej serii.

Animacja jest na miejscu

Szczerze mówiąc, oprawa wizualna jest niesamowita w tej serii, więc dałbym temu szansę, jeśli lubisz to wszystko. Sceny często mogą zmienić się z zabawnych i zabawnych w poważne w ciągu kilku minut.

Also, they are different artistic styles within the series which highlight different stories and subplots. I would say the way it’s drawn is very intriguing and I like the way it’s drawn for a fact. The timing in certain scenes is very good, especially with the music as well. They use music very well to link scenes with each other.

Unikalne strzały

I like how the shots in some scenes always stay in the same location, this makes it a lot more tense and high profile I’d say. The shots do not regularly change location. I would say that Bakemonogatari is unlike conventional anime, some people and anime watchers may prefer this.

Urzekające wizualizacje

Captivating visuals are a common appearance with Bakemonogatari, and they are similar sometimes to that of the Fruits Of Grisaia, in the way they are presented at least. I would say they are different though, in many ways. The lighting and textures are on point, in my opinion, sometimes almost entrancing. I would give Bakemonogatari a go as I have started to get into it.

Właściwe wykorzystanie obrazów graficznych

It depends on what type of person you are, it’s quite a graphic and interesting sort of anime. It isn’t just your everyday anime and this is evident in the shots and the music. The way the series uses shots to focus on characters is great as well and it does this so well throughout the series.

What I found was that Bakemonogatari uses graphic scenes to convey certain emotions. I’m all for this but some people may not like this, just like Black Lagoon and other anime it seems to use these types of scenes a lot and this makes some scenes more intense and engaging than others scenes.

Powody, dla których Bakemonogatari nie jest warte oglądania

Now, that I have covered the reasons that are worth watching, let’s answer the question of whether is Bakemonogatari worth watching and dive into the reasons why the show is not worth watching, starting with the story.

Trudna historia do naśladowania

If you want to get into the story it’s going to be quite a hard task with this one. The first few episodes of Bakemonogatari are very hard to follow and understand in my opinion.

This may affect your ability to view them and get into the series. For example, it’s not explained enough, some voiceovers are given at the start of some of the earlier episodes but this doesn’t offer much of an explanation of what is going on.

If you read the manga you’re not going to have much of a problem with this series as you’ll know what’s going on but first-time viewers may have some trouble as I did.

Brak wyjaśnienia

I’m sure I’m not the only one who was asking questions throughout Bakemonogatari, but sometimes I had no clue how certain events in the scenes had occurred and how it was even possible for Araragi to be affiliated with this kind of character.

Especially Oshino. How would those two paths cross? I have no idea and it made no sense to me. I took the liberty of rewatching the original scene and I still could not find any explanation for how Araragi knew Oshino, how and when he became affiliated with him and why Senjygouhara even bothered to go with him in the first place.

This is a recurring theme in the series and I just had to be sure I was correct before writing this article. Araragi states that it was Oshino who was able to assist him initially and help him “turn back” to a human, but he offers no other explanation.

Dużo niesympatycznych postaci

A lot of people are going to disagree with me on this but I’m just going to have to get into it. I don’t like the characters in Bakemonogatari, it’s my opinion so please just hear me out.

The main protagonist, Araragi is pretty boring so to speak and his dialogue only seems to matter when he is discussing something with Senjygouhara or the other sub-characters. You’re going to have to come to terms with Senjygouhara’s annoying and stuck-up character as well as the other sub-characters such as Kanbaru.

Nierealistyczny dialog

I can’t say categorically that the way the dialogue was written for Senjygouhara was unrealistic but I would like to say that the way she would produce dialogue was just weird.

Jedyny sposób, w jaki mogę to opisać, to 60-letni mężczyzna uwięziony w ciele 17-letniej dziewczyny, co ma sens, biorąc pod uwagę, kto to napisał.

Wątpliwy główny bohater

I really couldn’t find anything I liked about the main character apart from the fact that he was a nice character.

I mean this in the sense that he assisted most of the girls who came or came to him asking for his assistance, and this is in some sense admirable. However, there are certain scenes involving Araragi that I just found creepy and strange.

They were also just immoral and if you’ve previously seen Bakemonogatari then you’ll know what I’m talking about, especially the scenes involving Haciuji i Sengoku. Wiem, że jest to powracający temat w niektórych anime i napotkałem problem podczas przeglądania postaci Araragiego.

Czasami bardzo graficzny

To answer the question of whether is Bakemonogatari worth watching? we need to take a look at the graphic scenes. They are very graphic and this can be anything from violence to sex and much more.

If you’re not into all that then maybe Bakemonogatari is not for you as these types of scenes are abundant in Bakemonogatari. There are also sexual and violent scenes directly involving children, which for moral reasons I don’t agree with.

Powiedziałbym, że tego typu sceny są w co drugim odcinku i prędzej czy później natkniesz się na nie, jeśli zacząłeś oglądać, po prostu staraj się na nie uważać, to jedyna rada, jaką mogę zaoferować, lub możesz je pominąć .

Wniosek – czy warto oglądać Bakemonogatari?

Bakemonogatari offers a very different and unique experience that isn’t similar to any sort of anime I’ve covered in the past few years. The animation style, dialogue, sound design, shots, soundtracks and overall aesthetic are attractive in a certain respect.

The series possesses almost entrancing visuals that cannot be topped by a lot of other series out there and I cannot think of a series that is as original in its design as Bakemonogatari and the Monogatari series.

Hitagi Senjougahara
© Studio Shaft (Bakemonogatari)

The first initial episodes that come in the series will be harder to get into when you’re first starting, but I knew that there were more seasons and episodes featuring these characters, so in a sense, I knew from the start it was a good anime to get invested in and, in that sense, it is.

Chociaż później możesz napotkać problemy z postaciami, nagroda z niektórych scen jest znacznie większa niż wady. Bardzo się cieszę, że mogę zrecenzować również drugi sezon serii Monogatari i podzielę się swoimi przemyśleniami na ten temat w innym artykule.

But all in all, Bakemonogatari is worth watching, the reasons I have mentioned are very important and they all can be mostly forgotten about if you just get into it. I found it pretty difficult to get into reasons why it wasn’t worth watching.

Historia jest dość wyjątkowa, postacie są również interesujące, projekty dźwiękowe i wizualne są na miejscu, co jeszcze muszę powiedzieć? Pamiętaj tylko o powodach, dla których nie warto tego oglądać, nigdy nie wiadomo, mogą ci po prostu pomóc. Muszę też podkreślić, że podobało mi się zakończenie serii i miło było zostawić miły komentarz, jeśli tak to można nazwać.

Po raz kolejny mamy nadzieję, że odpowiedzieliśmy na pytanie, czy warto oglądać Bakemonogatari? – ten artykuł/post na blogu skutecznie informował Cię tak, jak powinien. Pragniemy podkreślić, że ten post to tylko nasze opinie i nic więcej. Dziękujemy za przeczytanie, wkrótce pojawi się więcej takich wpisów na blogu.

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