Classroom Of The Elite Anime was a popular Anime which originally came out on the 12th of July 2017. The Anime was based on the manga of the same name which came out earlier in 2016,  in Media Factory’s Monthly Comic Alive. The Anime was well received and they’re already talking about a Classroom Of The Elite Season 2 as we edge ever closer to 2022.

Pamiętaj, że przed nami są spoilery dotyczące ostatniego odcinka anime.

Omówienie Classroom Of The Elite wyjaśnione

Anime zaczyna się od małego monologu z MC Kiyotaka where he states that not everyone is born equal. We have covered Kiyotaka in our Classroom Of The Elite Season 2 Article. He’s just started his first year at the Zaawansowane Liceum Pielęgniarskie gdzie mogą uczestniczyć tylko najlepsi studenci z Japonii.

Szkoła pozwala tylko na to, co najlepsze, ponieważ faktycznym celem szkoły jest kształcenie najlepszych i najbardziej efektywnych członków społeczeństwa. Są to: politycy, lekarze, bankierzy i tak dalej. Jest jednak pewien haczyk. Szkoła nie stosuje najbardziej tradycyjnych metod nauczania. Zamiast tego szkoła wybiera bardziej niekonwencjonalne metody.

On the first day, we learn of this system as the teacher for Kiyotaka’s class tells them during the end of the first episode. The teacher explains that the classes are divided up into 4 classes. Class A, B, C, and D. The classes dictate what level the students are in terms of their overall experience, intelligence, and problem-solving skills. They are all chosen and aligned into their classes when they begin and this is where Kiyotaka introduces himself to the class.


First, we have Kiyotaka Ayanokōji, who is a student at the Zaawansowana Szkoła Pielęgniarstwa. He’s pretty boring and ordinary. From a fixed POV he doesn’t possess any interesting character traits. It’s only revealed properly in the final episode of season 1 that he displays sociopathic and psychopathic traits in the way he acts and regards his classmates. 

This makes him more interesting and it did catch me off guard when I heard what he said in the final episode. If there is a Classroom Of The Elite Season 2, Kiyotaka will certainly be in it.

W całej serii były ciągłe retrospekcje z jego przeszłości, gdzie wydaje się, że mógł być poddany surowemu traktowaniu. Podkreśla, że ​​podobnie jak Horikita chce osiągnąć klasę A. Pokazano, że po prostu chce wykorzystać ludzi, aby dostać się na szczyt. Chociaż tak naprawdę go nie lubię, to trochę mu kibicuję.

Klasa elity wyjaśniona
© Lerche (Klasa elity)

Następne jest Suzune Horikita who I thought at the start was unbearable. She has a stuck-up nature and seems to look down on others. She doesn’t seem to have many friends and is very unlikable. She is also very antisocial and often malicious in the way she talks to others. It’s never really revealed why she is like this. Maybe it’s because of her older brother, I’m not sure, but her character hasn’t gone into that much. Horikita will most certainly appear in Classroom Of The Elite.

She’s also a hypocrite and often makes fun of Kiyotaka for reasons that involve herself. She makes fun of him for sitting on his own, yet she does the same thing. This made me dislike her character a lot. It’s ironic how clever she thinks she is even though she gets played by Kiyotaka anyway. He uses her for his gains, she has to allow it anyway though.

Ostatnie mamy Kikyo Kushida who displays a very warm, calm, and caring personality. She seems to be well-liked among her classmates and displays a nice gentle nature overall. Even in the first episode, she states her main goal is to become friends with every person in the school.

However in the 3rd or 4th episode, it’s shown that she has a completely different side, and the personality she displays most of the time is completely fake. It’s scary and again displays sociopathic traits but the only one who finds out her secret is Kiyotaka. She then threatens him by saying she will claim that he raped her if he reveals her secret. This displays her actual personality, nevertheless, she fools everyone else apart from Horikita, who ignores and generally stays away from her in general.

Znaki podrzędne

I didn’t have a problem with most of the characters in the series, but some I found unbearable for their over-the-top dialogue, especially Manabu, it was as if he thought he was Horatio Kane from CSI Miami.

Nevertheless, there were some pretty interesting characters that I liked a lot such as Chabashira and Ryuuen, who ended up being a big character in Klasa elitarnego sezonu 2.

System punktów klasowych – wyjaśnienie klasy elity

The actual tone and foundations of the narrative are set out at the end of the first episode. All the students are given a certain amount of points which they can use to purchase clothes, food, accessories, and other home use and lifestyle items. Some of these aren’t really that essential. An example of this would be the PSP (I think) which yamauchi kupuje w pierwszym odcinku.

This isn’t an item that he needs yet he still buys it. So why would the school allow pupils to buy such useless items like this at school? When they are supposed to be learning and advancing up the classes?

The reason is because it’s all a test. Yes, that’s right, at the end of the first episode we are told that the points are not unlimited, (not that they were told they were) and that each class needs to have a high average of points so they can change classes.

Klasa elity wyjaśniona
© Lerche (Klasa elity)

Now, what makes it interesting to me is that it’s not each student who can advance to the next class if they gather enough points for themselves. Instead, the points are then counted and put towards the class’s average point. So if klasa D osiąga wyższą średnią punktów niż powiedzmy Klasa C, Class D will overtake Class C and become the new Class C, while the original Class C will go down and become the new Class D.

Konflikty i praca zespołowa w klasie

Naprawdę podoba mi się ten pomysł, ponieważ zamiast polegać na indywidualnych postaciach, aby radziły sobie lepiej niż inne i same dostawały się na szczyt, awansując do wyższych klas we własnym tempie, zamiast tego są przywiązani do występów swoich kolegów z klasy. Więc co to robi z narracją i jak wpływa na postacie w serialu?

Well at the start of the series, the characters in Class D (the class we mainly follow in the Anime and the Class that Kiyotaka is in), mostly all try to get along and introduce themselves, whilst some of them don’t shy away from conflict and confrontation and argue and disagree from the start. We see this a lot with Sudo, as he always fights with Horikita, despite his advantage to the class based on his strength and courage.

Statek wycieczkowy z Classroom Of The Elite - Wyjaśnienie Classroom Of The Elite
© Lerche (Klasa elity)

The whole point of the average class points system is that it forces the classmates to work together. They have to work with each other so they will not stay at the bottom and of course, remain Class D.

Czym są punkty S?

The first to know about S Points is that they are the same as the normal points, the only difference is that they are obtained in different ways and are normally added on after a Student or Class completes a task or a student gets extra points because of the task he has completed, or more importantly, the extra task he has completed. The more you watch the Anime the more the points system will make sense. Essentially it’s as follows:

kredyt: Wiki Fandom

Punkt S (Sポイント, Esu Pointo): znany również jako System S. (Sシステム, Esu Shisutemu) w anime, S-Point jest jedną z fundamentalnych cech, która w dużej mierze przyczynia się do prestiżu Zaawansowane Liceum Pielęgniarskie i obiecującą przyszłość swoich uczniów. Jednak koncepcja tego systemu nie została jeszcze ujawniona.

Punkt klasy (クラスポイント, Kurasu Pointo): These are evenly given to students in each class and vary between classes, depending on the class’ performance. Though all the accounted factors are still not exposed, one thing’s for sure is that they accumulate through class effort to improve academic standing. Additionally, these values are announced at the end of each month. However, in the rare case where there’s a dispute between classes, their respective class points are on-hold and in deliberation. One class point equals 100 private points.

Prywatny punkt (プライベートポイント, Puraibēto Pointo): These are the transferable quantitative values that each student possesses which can be utilized for transactions, commercial trade, and contracts as they are convertible in monetary units. The value also grows for each student at the start of each month by the factor of 100 to the class points their respective classes hold; which means, if the class maintains 1,000 class points for the whole month, it is expected that each student in that class would have an additional 100,000 private points at the start of the following month. Each point is worth 1 yen in currency.

Punkt ochrony (プロテクトポイント, Purotekuto Pointo): Punkty ochrony dają ci prawo do unieważnienia wydalenia. Nawet jeśli nie zdasz testu, o ile masz punkt ochrony, możesz go użyć, aby anulować pytania, które popełniłeś źle. Punktów tych nie można jednak przenosić między uczniami.[1]

Egzamin specjalny (specjalnyTokuべ つRozpoznaćShiken Tokubetsu): Egzamin przeprowadzany w celu określenia punktów za każde zajęcia.

Zakończenie klasy elity

Now to understand where the point system comes from and how it impacts the actions of the characters in Classroom Of The Elite you have to get the final episode where the biggest twist is revealed.

Cztery klasy zostają wystawione na próbę, gdy zostają wysłane na odległą wyspę, aby wziąć udział w końcowym teście pierwszego sezonu Classroom Of The Elite. Czterem klasom każą rozbić obóz gdziekolwiek chcą.

One Class goes into a secret Cave, while another sets up their camp on the beach and has a party for most of the episode. You get the idea. The objective of the game or test is to find out who is the leader on each team.

4 klasy zbierają się w celu uzyskania wyników
© Lerche (Klasa elity)

Kiedy gra się rozpocznie, wszystkie klasy muszą zdecydować, kto będzie liderem tej drużyny. Ktokolwiek jest liderem zespołu w tym zespole, nigdy nie będzie musiał ujawniać swojej tożsamości innym zespołom.

The objective therefore is for each team to find out who’s the leader for each team. There are lot of conflict between the groups, as Class C has a beach party and Klasa B sends in a spy to steal underwear from some of the girls in Class D.

Inteligencja Kiyotaki jest pokazana (ponownie)

It all looks like it’s going terribly for Class D, until the ending where it’s shown that Class D won the game getting the most points. This is all because of Kiyotaka, who at the beginning of the game notices that you can change your Class leader if you have a really good reason to.

Horikita która decyduje się zostać liderką klasy, zachoruje, gdy wychodzi, aby spróbować powstrzymać jedną z dziewcząt, która kradła bieliznę z obozu, w końcu poddając się ostremu deszczowi i wiatrowi, kiedy dogania złodzieja.

Because of this, Kiyotaka changes the Class leader to himself and doesn’t tell anyone, not even Horikita. Everyone on the other teams assumes it’s Horikita instead of anyone else. Why would they anyway? Horikita is the smartest, most cunning and headstrong, it would make perfect sense for it to be her.

Ostatnie pozdrowienia – Classroom Of The Elite Wyjaśnione

The Anime Classroom Of The Elite was a great Anime and certainly caught my attention. I loved the first episode and it’s why I carried on watching it to the end. The problem is that Classroom Of The Elite was left with an inconclusive ending.

Nie udało nam się zobaczyć następnego testu, przez który przechodziły poszczególne klasy, a już na pewno nie widzieliśmy więcej Kiyotaki małe przemówienie, które wygłosił pod koniec odcinka, kiedy myśli o Horikita and how she’s not a friend, never mind an ally.

Jeśli chcesz Klasa elitarnego sezonu 2 w takim razie rozważ przeczytanie naszego poprzedniego artykułu o anime Klasa elitarnego sezonu 2, gdzie sprawdzamy, czy nadal istnieją treści do dostosowania, kiedy zostaną opublikowane, prawdopodobny powód i nie tylko.

Kiyotaka ujawnia, że ​​był liderem przez cały czas Horikity
© Lerche (Klasa elity)

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  1. Manabu i żywność.

    1. Você esqueceu de mencionar na parte que fala sobre o Ayanokoji, que ele so quer chegar na classe Porque profesora dele que se chama Chabashira chantageia ele para ele fazer isso.

      1. „Chantageia”

      2. Ok, em primeiro lugar, estamos falando apenas do anime, e não do anime.

        Em segundo lugar, isso pode ter acontecido no Mangá, mas não no anime, então não cobrimos, porque só cobrimos o anime.

        Alem disso, se é verdade que Chabashira o está chantageando, então por que não vimos isso no anime? Ou só acontece no manga? talvez veremos na 3ª temporada:

  2. Ok, em primeiro lugar, estamos falando apenas do anime, e não do anime.

    Em segundo lugar, isso pode ter acontecido no Mangá, mas não no anime, então não cobrimos, porque só cobrimos o anime.

    Alem disso, se é verdade que Chabashira o está chantageando, então por que não vimos isso no anime? Ou só acontece no manga? talvez veremos na 3ª temporada:

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